Dear Friend,
My Name is lsaac Ampah, from Ghana in west Africa, i want you to be my partner in your country so that we can do this business together and share the commission at the end of the business, our company need HORICLIN LIQUID, it is a liquid oil that is diluted with Electrolyte solution to test the purity of gold, HORICLIN LIQUID and Electrolyte solution if mixed together,it causes All the impurities get dissolved in the solution. At the end of this process,what is left is a highly pure gold, The gold is then removed, melted and then arranged in the suitable form.
This HORICLIN LIQUID is mainly produced in Australia, Our company is currently buying this HORICLIN LIQUID from a supplier in Australia at a very high price, Recently on my search I found out that this same HORICLIN LIQUID is sold in United State Of America at leaser price than (Australia price) and I do not wish to let our company CEO to know about this low price in America because of my interest in this business, dear friend i am just doing this business so that at the end of this transaction whatever commission at the end of this transaction i can use it to start another business and take care of my family very well, because my salary is very poor it is not enough to take start up a business of my own or to take care of my family, so am glad and happy when i got this opportunity i decided to utilize it wisely with a kind and honest man like you, But Please If this proposition offends your moral values do accept my apology.
I want to introduce you to the supplier in United State of America, so that you can contact the supplier of this product in America and negotiate with them about the price, and also have a good agreement on our commission, after you have concluded negotiating with the supplier in America you will have to get back to me so that i will give you the contact of our Company CEO who is the buyer of the product, so that you can link our company here in Ghana and the producing company in USA together, but one thing is that you must ensure that our commission will get to our hand after our company purchase this product from the supplier in USA,this product is 100% risk free it is not harmful it is just like buying and selling.
Moreover this product our Company CEO use to purchase it in Australia for $27,000 per gallon and I found out that the same product is sold in United State Of America for $13,000 per gallon, you will inform the CEO that you will supply him the product at the rate of $25,000 per gallon, then at the end of the supply the producing company in United State Of America will counter balance to us the $12,000 on each gallon, so you must tell the producer of the product in America to quote $25,000 to Our company CEO who is the buyer, then as soon as the supply is over they will take $13,000 per gallon then the rest is for both of us, Our company will purchase 1,000 at first supply.
My Dear, i will be waiting, As soon as I hear from you I will give you the contact of the supplier in America where they are selling the product , because if you tell Our company CEO that you are selling the product for $25,000 per gallon the CEO will be interested to buy from you than that of his Australia supplier, because Australia supplier are selling for $27,000 per gallon,in America the product is $13,000 per gallon, If there is anything you did not understand please ask me, you can reach me on this number +233247154046. Email [email protected]
Waiting for your response.
Mr. lsaac Ampah.